Formation BPMN 2.0 Foundation Certification + 1 day of support To ensure that business processes modeling meets the standards and companies requirements

Durée 6 jours
Niveau Intermediate
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Référence GBPE-US-A
Éligible CPF Non
Certification BPMN 2.0 Foundation

PLB Consultant, in partnership with BPM CyT, a specialist company in BPM issues, has set up a certifying training on BPMN 2.0.
This is a unique certification in France and abroad, very appreciated by most companies and organizations.

This training, a slight different version from the original GBPE-US, includes a full day of support with our expert trainer.
This extra day, to be scheduled with the trainer, takes place at the end of your 5-day training course, once the certification exam has been taken, and is devoted to a specific support on particular issues of your organization - business or administration.

The business process modeling standard BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model & Notation) has become essential for organizations - companies and administrations - particularly in the context of their digital transformation. These organizations therefore require tools to improve the understanding and description of their business processes, and their optimization.

As part of their BPM (Business Process Management) projects, companies use modelers - internally -, or external service providers. Which tool is today available for customers to check the know-how of these modelers and the quality of the models provided? A question often unanswered.

The OMG (Object Management Group), the institution responsible for the BPM discipline has set up a certification on BPM, but unfortunately has not provided for certification on the BPMN 2 standard, which companies absolutely need today to assess their providers.

We invite our French customers to register to the Certification BPMN 2.0 Foundation course (GBPE), which is its equivalent but adapted to their mother tongue.

Concretely, this training on the BPMN 2.0 standard will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to :

  • Discover the possibilities offered by the BPMN 2.0 standard
  • Learn a methodology as well as "best practices" in writing processes on BPMN 2.0
  • Put into practice the elements described in the course on modeling software among the market standards: Bizagi Modeler, ARIS Designer, MEGA, Entreprise Architect
  • To prepare and to pass the BPMN 2.0 Foundation certification

Public :

This BPMN 2.0 Foundation training is intended for all those concerned by the writing or validation of processes : business departments, IT Department, Pocess management Department.

Prérequis :

No prerequisites are required to follow this training.

Modeling - level 1

Concepts and definitions
BPMN 2.0 Objectives
The 2 main models of BPMN 2.0: orchestrations and collaborations
Control flow patterns
Token principle
BPMN 2.0 building blocks

Modeling tool overview

Bizagi ModelerWorkshopModeling of a process responding to a usual business problem

Modeling - level 2

Types of tasks (user, manual, script, service, send, receive)
Business rules and business rule tasks
DMN (Decision Model & Notation) 1.1 overview
Data gateways
Concept of sub-process
Sub-processes embedded
Types of events: start, end, intermediate
WorkshopModeling of a first batch of processes taking into account these modeling elements

Modeling - level 2 (follow-up)

Events table
Start events
End events
Signal events

Modeling - level 3

Intermediate events: in the main process, or at a task or sub-process boundary
Intermediate events at the boundary: interruptive and non-interruptive
Error events
Escalation events
Compensation events
Link events
WorkshopModeling of a second batch of processes taking into account these modeling elements

Modeling - level 4

Specific cases of embedded sub-processes: transaction, event, ad-hoc
Reusable sub-processes: Calls activities
Event gateways
Complex gateway
Repetitive tasks and sub-processes
Multi-instance pools

Modeling - level 5

Intermediate events at the boundary: the difference between those at a task boundary and those at a sub-process boundary
Intermediate events at the boundary: the difference between those generated inside a sub-process, at the boundary, and outside the sub-process
Intermediate events at the boundary: the difference between those which are only interruptive, interruptive and non-interruptive, and those which are neither interruptive nor non-interruptive
Tokens: elements creating tokens, elements consuming tokens, elements which neither create nor consume tokens
WorkshopModeling of a third batch of processes taking into account these modeling elements


Types of messages exchanged
Collaboration modeling
WorkshopModeling of a collaboration

Modeling methodology - level 1

Scope definition
Stakeholders identification (lanes)
Start events identification
End events identification
Tasks type and wording
Use of links
Checking the tokens flow
Use of artefacts
WorkshopApplication of these good practices to a business problem

Modeling methodology - level 2

The Process Owner, a manager for each process
The CoE (Center of Excellence, or  BPM Department)
Breakdown of an overly complex process
Process / sub-process hierarchy
Approach to process description: orchestration or collaboration?
WorkshopRevision of previously written processes to take into account these best practices

Preparation for the BPMN 2.0 Foundation certfication exam

Comparison of incomplete models, too extensive, difficult to read or even false, with models that exhaustively meet the BPMN standard and good modeling practices.
Correction of BPMN models
Preparation for the BPMN 2.0 Foundation certification exam

Taking the BPMN 2.0 Foundation certification exam


This training is intended to obtain a good understanding of business process modeling. At the end of each module, participants practice on a modeling tool in order to translate common business issues into process models.
These are common issues (production, delivery, replenishment, digital transformation, etc.) and new issues (cybersecurity, artificial intelligence).

This BPMN 2.0 training, delivered by an expert trainer, prepares you to take the BPMN 2.0 Foundation certification exam.
Here are the exam informations, exam taken during the last half-day:

  • Format: MCQ + Modeling of typical issues on the Bizagi Modeler tool
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • The French language
  • Grade: 3 weeks after the exam
  • Success conditions: 70/100
  • Certificate in Paper or PDF format.

This certification, unique in France, will validate the knowledge acquired during the training, but will also allow you to highlight your know-how as a business process modeler with a certificate.
In addition to the course material, the trainees leave with the statements and corrections from the workshops.

Date de mise à jour du programme : 08/07/2024

Dates et lieux

Aucune session programmée actuellement.

Formations Informatique
et Management
en ligne à ce jour

Stagiaires dans nos salles
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De participants satisfaits
ou très satisfaits de nos

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