Formation Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Durée 5 jours
Niveau Intermédiaire
Classe à distance

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Référence DO374
Éligible CPF Non
Cours officiel Red Hat

Advance your Ansible skills and develop automation that scales by applying recommended practices with the new, container focused tools from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374) is designed for automation content developers to leverage the new, container focused tools from Red Hat® Ansible Automation Platform to efficiently develop automation that can be managed by the automation controller. Learn recommended practices for automation development using reusable code, advanced playbook techniques, shared execution environments, and preparing for scalable automation with the automation content navigator.

This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2.

Objectif opérationnel : 

Savoir utiliser Red Hat Ansible pour l’automatisation avancée.

Objectifs pédagogiques : 

Concrètement, à l'issue de cette formation Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible, vous aurez les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour :

  • Apply recommended practices for effective and efficient automation with Ansible
  • Perform automation operations as rolling updates
  • Use advanced features of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to work with data, including filters and plugins
  • Create automation execution environments to contain and scale Red Hat Ansible Automation
  • Leverage capabilities of the automation content navigator to develop Ansible Playbooks

Public :

Ce cours Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible s'adresse aux profils suivants :

  • Developers
  • DevOps engineers
  • Linux system administrators
  • Other IT professionals with basic expertise using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate, provision, configure, and deploy applications and services in a Linux environment

Prérequis :

Pour suivre cette formation Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible, il est nécessaire d'avoir assisté au préalable à la formation Red Hat System Administration III : Linux Automation (RH294).
Vous devez également être en possession de la certification Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) sous Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, ou avoir démontré une expérience équivalente sur Ansible.

Develop Playbooks with Ansible Automation Platform 2

Develop Ansible Playbooks following recommended practices with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2

Manage Content Collections and Execution Environments

Run playbooks that use content collections not included in ansible-core, either from an existing execution environment or by downloading them from the automation hub

Run Playbooks with Automation Controller

Use the automation controller to run playbooks that you developed with automation content navigator

Work with Ansible Configuration Settings

Examine and adjust the configuration of automation content navigator and the Ansible runner inside execution environments to simplify development and troubleshoot issues

Manage Inventories

Manage inventories by using advanced features of Ansible

Manage Task Execution

Control and optimize the execution of tasks by Ansible Playbooks

Transform Data with Filters and Plugins

Populate, manipulate, and manage data in variables using filters and plugins

Coordinate Rolling Updates

Use advanced features of Ansible to manage rolling updates in order to minimize downtime and to ensure maintainability and simplicity of Ansible Playbooks

Create Content Collections and Execution Environments

Write your own Ansible Content Collections, publish them, embed them in a custom execution environment, and run them in playbooks by using the automation controller
Date de mise à jour du programme : 20/12/2024

Dates et lieux

Du 19 au 23 mai 2025
5 jrs
3740 € HT

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