Formation Analyse de performance sur Clustered ONTAP Performance Analysis on Clustered Data ONTAP

Durée 3 jours
Niveau Intermédiaire
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Référence PERFCDOT
Éligible CPF Non
Cours officiel NetApp

Maintenir la bonne performance d'un controleur NetApp. Savoir récolter les données de performance, les analyser pour détecter objectivement des goulots d'étranglements en écriture ou en lecture, et proposer des solutions pour les supprimer.

  • Terminologie et méthode d'analyse de la performance
  • Outils d'analyse et de surveillance de la performance
  • Architecture et flux de donnée avec Data OnTap
  • Etude de cas pour illustrer les goulots d'étranglement
  • Configurer le système en fonction des recommandations NetApp
  • Qualité de service (QoS) de DOT 8.3
  • Localiser les informations et ressources qui vous aiderons à optimiser les performances de vos controleurs

Public :

 Ce cours est destiné aux professionnels du stockage voulant acquérir une meilleure compréhension des performances d'un noeud dans un Cluster de controleurs NetApp.

Prérequis :

Avoir suivi la formation "ONTAP 9.3 Cluster Administration et Data Protection" (CDOTDP9) ou posséder un niveau équivalent 

Comment le système de stockage de NetApp fonctionne

Describe the layers within the Data ONTAP architecture
List the advantages that are provided by the ability of WAFL to optimize writes
Explain the purpose of NVRAM
Diagram the flow of read and write requests through the network and protocol layers of Data ONTAP
Describe the benefits that RAID provides

Outils d'analyse et de surveillance de la performance

Define performance-related terms, such as “baseline,” “bottleneck,” “Little’s law,” and “latency”
Describe baseline performance guidelines and methodologies as they relate to NetApp storage systems

Gestion de la charge et des goulots d'étranglement du système de stockage en Cluster

Gather information about the workload of an existing storage system
Identify the storage system components that can affect performance—become bottlenecks

Suivi et analyse de la performance des Cluster

Describe the performance analysis tools and commands that are commonly used for cluster health checks
Identify the key performance commands and describe the command output that they produce
Explain how to use NetApp tools for performance measurement
Describe the benefits of using the AutoSupport support tool for performance analysis

OnCommand Management Tools

List the three categories of performance tools
Explain the features and functions of Insight Perform
Explain the features and functions of OnCommand Balance
Use OnCommand management tools to view performance data

Storage QoS

Discuss how the Storage Quality of Service (QoS) feature works in a clustered Data ONTAP environment
Identify the commands that are used to manage policy groups
Monitor workload performance


Identify the exercise environment
Log in to the exercise environment
Add a cluster to OnCommand System Manager
Configure SNMP public community name
Identify clustered Data ONTAP components
Set the clustered Data ONTAP command line system timeout value (optional)
Examine the statistics catalog commands
Examine the statistics start and statistics show commands
Defining workload characteristics
Perform initial health checks on the cluster
Baseline performance monitoring from the cluster shell
Performance monitoring from the cluster shell
Unlock diag userid
Using the performance and statistics collector (Perfstat)
Reactively limit thoughput to a workload by associating the workload with QoS policy group
Proactively monitor workload performance by associating a workload with a QoS policy group
Isolate a tenant workload by associating the workload with a QoS policy group

Date de mise à jour du programme : 12/06/2024

Dates et lieux

Du 16 au 18 octobre 2024
3 jrs
2700 € HT
Du 16 au 18 octobre 2024
3 jrs
2700 € HT
Du 17 au 19 février 2025
3 jrs
2700 € HT
Du 25 au 27 août 2025
3 jrs
2700 € HT

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