Formation AWS : Cloud Financial Management for Builders on Amazon Web Services

Durée 3 jours
Niveau Intermédiaire
Classe à distance

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Cours officiel Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Cette formation est délivrée en partenariat avec un APN Training Partner, formateur AAI, labs et supports de cours officiels fournis par l’organisme ATP.

This course is for individuals who seek an understanding of how to manage, optimize, and predict costs as you run workloads on AWS.

You learn how to implement architectural best practices, explore cost optimization strategies, and design patterns to help you architect cost-efficient solutions on AWS.

Objectif opérationnel :

Knowing how to manage, optimize and predict management costs related to Amazon Web Services services.

Objectifs pédagogiques :

  • Explain the cost of core AWS services
  • Determine and estimate costs associated with current and future cloud workloads
  • Use strategies and best practices to reduce AWS costs
  • Use AWS tools to manage, monitor, alert, and optimize your AWS spend
  • Apply strategies to monitor service costs and usage
  • Implement governance standards, including resource tagging, account structure, provisioning, permissions, and access

Public :

Ce cours AWS Cloud Financial Management s'adresse aux architectes de solution, développeurs, administrateurs système et responsables des coûts.

Prérequis :

Before following this course, you must have attended the formation Architecture sur Amazon Web Services (IAAF) or having the equivalent skills.

Jour 1

Couse Overview

Course introduction

Introduction to Cloud Financial Management

Introduction to Cloud Financial Management
Four pillars of Cloud Financial Management

Resource Tagging

Tagging resources

Travaux pratiques

Cost optimization : Control Resource Consumption Using Tagging and AWS Config

Pricing and Cost

Fundamentals of pricing
AWS Free Tier
Volume discounts
Savings plans and Reserved Instances
Demonstration : AWS Pricing Calculator

AWS Billing, Reporting, and Monitoring

Understanding AWS invoices
Reporting and planning
AWS Cost Explorer
AWS Budgets
Demonstration : AWS Billing Console
Demonstration : AWS Cost Explorer
Demonstration : Trusted Advisor

Travaux pratiques

Cost optimization : Deploy Ephemeral Environments Using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Jour 2

Architecting for Cost : Compute

Evolution of compute efficiency
Amazon EC2 right-sizing
Purchasing options
Architect for Amazon EC2 Spot Instance
Impact of software licensing
Demonstration : Compute Optimizer
Demonstration : Spot Instance Advisor

Travaux pratiques

Cost optimization : Right Size Amazon EC2 Instances Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics

Architecting for Cost : Networking

Data transfer costs
Understand data costs for different services
How to triage network costs

Travaux pratiques

Cost optimization : Reduce Data Transfer Costs Using Amazon CloudFront and Endpoints

Jour 3

Architecting for Cost : Storage

Amazon EBS cost, pricing, and best practices
Amazon S3 cost, pricing, and best practices
Amazon EFS cost, pricing, and best practices

Travaux pratiques

Cost optimization : Reduce Storage Costs Using Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management

Architecting for Cost : Databases

Amazon RDS cost, pricing, and best practices
Amazon Aurora cost, pricing, and best practices
Amazon DynamoDB cost, pricing, and best practices
Amazon ElastiCache cost, pricing, and best practices
Amazon Redshift cost, pricing, and best practices

Cost Governance

Setting up AWS Organizations
AWS Systems Manager

Course Summary

Course review

Travaux pratiques

Cost optimization : Reduce Compute Costs Using AWS Instance Scheduler

Date de mise à jour du programme : 04/12/2023

Dates et lieux

Du 06 au 08 janvier 2025
3 jrs
2390 € HT
Du 06 au 08 janvier 2025
3 jrs
2390 € HT

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