Formation IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1 - Administration

Durée 4 jours
Niveau Intermédiaire
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La formation IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1 Administration couvre tous les aspects du système workflow d'IBM Case Foundation : configuration, sécurisation, maintenance, gestion et intégration d'applications.

À l'issue de cette formation, vous serez en mesure de :

  • Configure the workflow system

- Identify the components of a workflow system
- Create and configure a workflow system to support FileNet workflow applications
- Create and configure an isolated region
- Create a connection point and isolated region
- Create isolated region objects
- Expose data fields
- Define indexes for queues and rosters
- Create and configure in-baskets and roles
- Configure Content Navigator for workflow
- Configure a web application and step processor

  • Security

- Inspect workflow system security settings
- Add users and groups to a workflow system
- Identify and resolve security issues

  • Maintain the Workflow Show

- Use administrative tools for maintenance
- Monitor with the Process Services Ping page
- Monitor with System Dashboard
- Monitor with vwtool
- Maintain event logs

  • Manage Work in Progress

- Use Case Foundation tools to search for work with basic and advanced search criteria
- Modify work items
- Process and manage work
- Manage a workflow exception

  • Component Integration

- Understand the purpose of component integration in workflow applications
- Understand the architecture of the Component Manager Frameworks
- Understand what component queues provide
- Create and configure a Java component
- Monitor and maintain component queues

Public :

Ce cours IBM s'adresse aux administrateurs responsables des opérations quotidiennes entrant dans le cadre d'IBM Case Foundation.

Prérequis :

Pour suivre cette formation IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1 Administration, vous devez avoir l'expérience de Windows 2008, de Java et des machines virtuelles Java.

Vous devez également avoir une connaissance générale des systèmes de gestion de bases de données relationnelles, des principes de sécurité de P8 Platform, de la terminologie Workflow (queues, rosters etc.).

Enfin, vous devez savoir démarrer un système P8 et utiliser l'interface d'administration de la plateforme P8 dont la console d'administration pour Content Platform Engine et IBM Content Navigator.

Configure the workflow system

Workflow system concepts

What is a workflow system?
What is the purpose of a workflow system?
Workflow system components
Connection points
Isolated regions

Understand a workflow system and its function

Identify the components of a workflow system

Create and configure a workflow system to support FileNet workflow applications

General properties of a workflow system
Runtime Options
Language Packs
Web Applications
DbExecute Connections
Remote Servers
Isolated Regions
Fine-tuning the workflow system

Create and configure an isolated region

Create a connection point and isolated region

Create isolated region objects

Create and configure Queues
Create and configure Rosters
Create and configure Event logs
Create and configure Application Spaces

Expose data fields

Expose data fields to queues and event logs

Define indexes for queues and rosters

Create an index
Configure queues and event logs to use the index

Create and configure in-baskets and roles

Create and configure an in-basket
Create roles
Add in-baskets and members to roles

Configure Content Navigator for workflow

Create a desktop
Create a repository for the connection point
Configure the desktop for workflow
Configure the desktop to open Process Designer and Process Tracker

Configure a web application and step processor

Configure a web application
Deploy a step processor
Configure a step processor


Security overview

Layers of security
Object store security
Isolated region security
Workflow system security groups
Application spaces
Avoid security conflicts

Security configuration

About isolated region security
Control access to queues
Control access to rosters
Control access to rosters: recommended practice
Roster and queue security settings
How to configure queue and roster security

Maintain the Workflow System

Use administrative tools for maintenance

Maintaining a workflow system
Administrative tools for the Workflow system
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine
Lock an isolated region
Workflow system component administration
Process Administrator
Start Process Administrator
Process Services Ping page
System Dashboardvwtool
Logging systems

Monitor with the Process Services Ping page

Process Services Ping Page
Process Services Ping Page: Overview
Process Services Ping Page: URL
Ping Page: Log file location
Ping page: Helpful links
Sample: API Stats

Monitor with System Dashboard

What is System Dashboard?
Why use System Dashboard?
Dashboard Terms (1)
Dashboard Terms (2)
System Dashboard Structure
Create clusters to view data
Use the Dashboard views
Execute options for Listener node and view data
Archiving Manager
Configuration Guidelines
Process counters to watch (examples)

Monitor with vwtool

Use vwtool to monitor an isolated region
Start vwtool
Obtain status information on workflow system
Run loadstatus
Report memory usage, database usage
Report version and system configuration

Maintain event logs

Event tools
Event architecture1
About event loggingView event logs
View events with New Workflow Search
View events with Process Administrator
Event log maintenance guidelines
Select event log options

Troubleshoot the workflow system

Troubleshooting overview
Support resources
Collecting data
For Process Clients issues:
Fnlog4j concepts
Enable fnlog4j
Two trace methods both use log4j
vwtool trace log options

Manage Work in Progress

Search for work

Process Administrator
Search options
Viewing workflows and work items
View and customize search results
Ways to refine a search for work
Use exposed fields in searches
Use the Criteria tab to filter a search
Search user queues
View workflow history in Process Tracker

Modify work

Reasons to modify work
Tools for modifying work
Work item status
Locking work
About workflow properties
Modify data field values
Modify workflow groups
Open workflow or work item in Process Tracker
Modify an attachment reference
Considerations for modifying work

Process and manage work

Tools for processing and managing work
Ways to complete work items
Assign or reassign work to participants
Terminate work
Delete work
Designate a substitute participant
Unlock work
Add and remove trackers

Manage workflow exceptions

About workflow exceptions
Conductor queue
Get information about workflow exceptions
View the information stack
Modify workflows and work items

Component Integration

Component integration concepts

Purpose of component integration
Component integrator
Component Manager Frameworks
Deciding on a Component Manager Framework
Component behavior
Types of components
Java adapter
JMS adapter

Create and configure component queues

How to create and configure component queue
Procedure: Create and configure a component queue
Create a code module
New Component Queue wizard
Adapter properties
JAAS credentials
Configure the Java Message Service adapter
What is a queue operation?
Elements of an operation
Operation parameters
Import Java component queue operations
Define JMS component queue operations
Stopping and starting component queues
Diagnosing Component Manager issues


Appendix A. Start and Stop System Components
Appendix B. Solutions to exercises
Appendix C. Checkpoint solutions
Appendix D. Checkpoint solutions
Appendix E. Solutions to exercises
Appendix F. Troubleshooting

Date de mise à jour du programme : 21/02/2024

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