Formation Introduction à IBM SPSS Statistics (v26)

Durée 2 jours
Niveau Fondamental
Classe à distance

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Référence 0G53BG
Éligible CPF Non
Cours officiel IBM

This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, data analysis, and presentation of analytical results. In addition to the fundamentals, students will learn shortcuts that will help them save time. This course uses the IBM SPSS Statistics Base; one section presents an add-on module, IBM SPSS Custom Tables.

Upon completion this course, you will be able to :

  • Overview of IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Read data and define metadata
  • Transform variables
  • Use functions to compute variables
  • Set the unit of analysis
  • Merge data files
  • Select cases for analyses
  • Summarize individual variables
  • Describe relationships between variables
  • Create presentation-ready tables with Custom Tables
  • Customize pivot tables
  • Create and customize charts
  • Work with syntax
  • Control the IBM SPSS Statistics environment

Public :

New users of IBM SPSS Statistics Users who want to refresh their knowledge about IBM SPSS Statistics.

Prérequis :

Experience with IBM SPSS Statistics is not necessary, though a basic understanding of purpose and functions of the software is helpful. No statistical background is necessary.

Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics

Review basic concepts in IBM SPSS Statistics
Identify the steps in the research process
Review basic analyses
Use Help

Read data and define metadata

Overview of data sources
Read data from databases
Read data from Microsoft Excel
Define variable properties

Transform variables

Compute new variables
Recode values of nominal, ordinal, and scale variables
Create a numeric variable from a string variable
Explore advanced variable transformations

Use functions to compute variables

Use statistical functions
Use logical functions
Use missing value functions
Use conversion functions
Use system variables
Use the Data and Time Wizard

Set the unit of analysis

Remove duplicate cases
Create aggregated datasets
Restructure datasets

Merge data files

Add cases from one dataset to another
Add variables from one dataset to another
Enrich a dataset with aggregated information

Select cases for analyses

Select case for an analysis
Run analyses for subgroups

Summarize individual variables

Define levels of measurement
Summarizing categorical variables with Frequencies
Summarizing scale variables with Frequencies and Descriptives

Describe relationship between variables

Select the appropriate procedure to summarize the relationship between two variables
Summarize the relationship between categorical variables with Crosstabs
Summarize the relationship between a scale and a categorical variable with Means

Create presentation-ready tables with Custom Tables

Identify table layouts
Create tables for variables with shared categorical
Create tables for variables that represent a multiple response question

Customize pivot tables

Perform Automated Output Modification
Customize pivot tables in the Pivot Table Editor
Use table templates
Export pivot tables to other applications

Create and customize charts

Use the Chart Builder to create various types of graphs
Customize charts in the Chart Editor
Use chart templates
Export pivot tables to other applications

Work with syntax

Use syntax to automate analyses
Use the Syntax Editor environment
Create and edit syntax
Run syntax

Control the IBM SPSS Statistics environment

Describe the features of the Options dialog box
Reset the display of variables
Set the default working data folders
Date de mise à jour du programme : 24/01/2025

Dates et lieux

Du 24 au 25 mars 2025
2 jrs
1800 € HT
Du 02 au 03 juin 2025
2 jrs
1800 € HT
Du 15 au 16 septembre 2025
2 jrs
1800 € HT

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