Formation VMware vSAN : Management and Operations

Durée 3 jours
Niveau Intermédiaire
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Cours officiel VMware

Dans cette formation VMware vSAN Management and Operations, vous apprendrez à gérer et à utiliser VMware vSAN 7. Ce cours se concentre sur l'acquisition des compétences requises pour les tâches courantes d'administrateur vSAN du jour 2 telles que la gestion des nœuds vSAN, la maintenance du cluster, les opérations de sécurité et le cluster vSAN avancé opérations.

Vous ferez également l'acquisition d'une expérience pratique en complétant des activités dirigées par un instructeur et des exercices pratiques en laboratoire.

Objectif opérationnel :

Savoir effectuer les tâches courantes d'administrateur vSAN.

Objectifs pédagogiques :

À l'issue de cette formation VMware vSAN Management and Operations, vous aurez acquis les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour :

  • Define the tasks involved in vSAN node management
  • Updating and upgrading vSAN using VMware vSphere Lifecycle Manager
  • Explain vSAN resilience and data availability features
  • Reconfigure vSAN storage policies and observe the cluster-wide impact
  • Perform vSAN cluster scale-out and scale-up operations
  • Describe common vSAN cluster maintenance operations
  • Control vSAN resync operations
  • Configure vSAN storage efficiency and reclamation features
  • Use VMware Skyline™ Health to monitor cluster health, performance, and storage capacity
  • Describe vSAN security operations
  • Configure vSAN Direct for cloud native applications
  • Configure remote vSAN datastore and vSAN native file services
  • Manage two-node cluster and stretched cluster advance operations

Public :

Ce cours VMware vSAN Management and Operations s'adresse aux administrateurs de stockage et d'infrastructure virtuelle en charge de l'administration et du support de VMware vSAN.

Prérequis :

Pour suivre cette formation VMware vSAN Management and Operations, vous devez avoir suivi au préalable le cours VMware vSAN : Plan and Deploy ainsi que la formation VMware vSphere : Installer, Configurer et Administrer (UVI7).

vSAN Node Management

Recognize the importance of hardware compatibility
Ensure the compatibility of driver and firmware versioning
Use tools to automate driver validation and installation
Apply host hardware settings for optimum performance
Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to perform upgrades

vSAN Resilience and Data Availability Operations

Describe vSAN storage policies
Recognize the impact of a vSAN storage policy change
Describe and configure the Object Repair Timer advanced option
Plan disk replacement in a vSAN cluster
Plan maintenance tasks to avoid vSAN object failures
Recognize the importance of managing snapshot utilization in a vSAN cluster
Configure the vSAN fault domains

vSAN Cluster Maintenance

Perform typical vSAN maintenance operations
Describe vSAN maintenance modes and data evacuation options
Assess the impact on cluster objects of entering maintenance mode
Determine the specific data actions required after exiting maintenance mode
Define the steps to shut down and reboot hosts and vSAN clusters
Use best practices for boot devices
Replace vSAN nodes

vSAN Storage Space Efficiency

Discuss deduplication and compression techniques
Understand deduplication and compression overhead
Discuss compression only mode
Configure erasure coding
Configure swap object thin provisioning 
Discuss reclaiming storage space with SCSI UNMAP
Configure TRIM/UNMAP

vSAN Cluster Performance Monitoring

Describe how the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) enables VMware to improve products and services
Use vSphere Skyline Health for monitoring vSAN cluster health
Manage alerts, alarms, and notifications related to vSAN in VMware vSphere® Client™
Create and configure custom alarms to trigger vSAN health issues
Use IO Insight metrics for monitoring vSAN performance
Analyse vsantop performance metrics
Use a vSAN proactive test to detect and diagnose cluster issues

vSAN Security Operations

Identify differences between VM encryption and vSAN encryption
Perform ongoing operations to maintain data security
Describe the workflow of data-in transit encryption
Identify the steps involved in replacing Key Management Server (KMS)

vSAN Direct

Discuss the use cases for vSAN Direct
Understand the overall architecture of vSAN Direct
Describe the workflow of vSAN Direct datastore creation
Explore how vSAN Direct works with storage policy tagging

Remote vSAN

Discuss the use cases for remote vSAN
Understand the high-level architecture
Describe remote datastore operations
Discuss the network requirement
Interoperability between remote vSAN and VMware vSphere® High Availability

vSAN Native File Service

Discuss the use cases for vSAN file service
Understand the high-level architecture of vSAN file service
Discuss the authentication model
Configure file shares
Monitor file share health and capacity utilization

Manage Advanced vSAN Cluster Operations

Describe the architecture for stretched clusters and two-node clusters
Understand the importance of witness node
Describe how stretched cluster storage policies affect vSAN objects
Create and apply a vSAN stretched cluster policy to meet specific needs
Discuss stretched cluster failure scenarios and responses
Date de mise à jour du programme : 10/05/2023

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