Formation VMware vSAN 7 : Plan and Deploy

5 sur 5 étoiles

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Durée 2 jours
Niveau Intermédiaire
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Référence VMVSAN
Éligible CPF Non
Cours officiel VMware

This two-day, hands-on training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to plan and deploy a VMware vSAN™ cluster. In this course, you are taught the many considerations that the vSAN configuration has on the initial planning of the vSAN datastore. You also manually configure a vSAN cluster.

Objectif opérationnel : 

Savoir déployer et gérer une solution de stockage avec VMware vSAN 7.

Objectifs pédagogiques :

À l'issue de cette formation VMware vSAN 7 vous aurez acquis les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour :

  • Explain the key features and use cases for vSAN
  • Detail the underlying vSAN architecture and components
  • Describe the different vSAN deployment options
  • Detail vSAN cluster requirements and considerations
  • Apply recommended vSAN design considerations and capacity sizing practices
  • Explain the influence of vSAN objects and components on the initial cluster plan
  • Determine and plan for storage consumption by data growth and failure tolerance
  • Design vSAN hosts for operational needs
  • Explain Maintenance Mode use and its impacts on vSAN
  • Apply best practices for vSAN network configurations
  • Manually configure a vSAN cluster using VMware vSphere® Client™
  • Explain and configure vSAN fault domains
  • Understand and apply vSAN storage policies
  • Define encryption in the vSAN cluster
  • Describe the architecture and use cases for stretched clusters
  • Configure a stretched cluster
  • Understand the steps involved in creating the vSAN iSCSI target services

Public :

Experienced VMware vSphere administrators.

Prérequis :

You should have the following understanding or knowledge :

  • Understanding of concepts presented in the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage course
  • Knowledge of basic storage concepts
  • Experience using vSphere Client to perform administrative tasks on vSphere clusters

Introduction to vSAN

Describe vSAN architecture
Describe the advantages of object-based storage
Describe the difference between All-Flash and Hybrid vSAN architecture
Explain the key features and use cases for vSAN
Discuss the vSAN integration and compatibility with other VMware technologies
Identify vSAN objects and components
Describe a vSAN object
Describe how objects are split into components
Explain the purpose of witness components
Explain how vSAN stores large objects
View object and component placement on the vSAN datastore

Planning a vSAN Cluster

Identify requirements and planning considerations for vSAN clusters
Apply vSAN cluster planning and deployment best practices
Determine and plan for storage consumption by data growth and failure tolerance
Design vSAN hosts for operational needs
Identify vSAN networking features and requirements
Describe ways of controlling traffic in a vSAN environment
Recognize best practices for vSAN network configurations

Deploying a vSAN Cluster

Deploy and configure a vSAN cluster using the Cluster QuickStart wizard
Manually configure a vSAN cluster using vSphere Client
Explain and configure vSAN fault domains
Using VMware vSphere® High Availability with vSAN
Understand vSAN cluster maintenance capabilities
Describe the difference between implicit and explicit fault domains
Create explicit fault domains

vSAN Storage Policies

Explain how storage policies work with vSAN
Explain the role of storage policies in planning a vSAN cluster
Define and create virtual machine storage policies
Apply and modify virtual machine storage policies
Change virtual machine storage policies dynamically
Identify virtual machine storage policy compliance status

Introduction to Advanced vSAN Configurations

Define and configure compression and deduplication in the vSAN cluster
Define and configure encryption in the vSAN cluster
Understand the remote vSAN datastore topology
Identify the operations involved in managing the remote vSAN datastore
Configure the vSAN iSCSI target service

vSAN Stretched and Two-Node Clusters

Describe the architecture and use cases for stretched clusters
Detail the deployment and replacement of a vSAN witness node
Describe the architecture and use cases for twonode clusters
Explain the benefits of vSphere HA and VMware Site Recovery Manager™ in a vSAN stretched cluster
Explain storage policies for vSAN stretched cluster
Date de mise à jour du programme : 14/07/2024

Avis des participants à la formation VMware vSAN 7 : Plan and Deploy

Note moyenne de 5/5(1)

Les avis figurant ci-dessous sont issus des fiches d’évaluation que remplissent les participants à la fin de la formation. Ils sont ensuite publiés automatiquement si les personnes ont explicitement accepté que nous les diffusions.


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