- Référence : TX319G
- Durée : 3 jours (21h)
- Lieu : Au choix. À distance ou en présentiel, à Paris ou en Régions
En intra
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This course introduces IBM Workload Scheduler features, environment, and terminology. You learn about distributed environments and how to use both the Dynamic Workload Console and command-line interfaces with Workload Scheduler. You monitor production workflow and create a production day plan.
Production workflow consists of job and job stream instances, designed with plan objects. You manage changes to objects, the plan, jobs, events, and job streams. You optimize production workflow and troubleshoot plan problems. You also learn to use Workload Scheduler with classic batch scheduling and dynamic and event-driven workloads.
At the end of this course trainees will have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to :
Public :
This course is designed for operators and schedulers who perform duties that are related to batch workload automation.
Prérequis :
Before taking this course, make sure that you can use an Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox and perform basic shell commands in a terminal emulator such as PuTTY or xterm.
Gérer l'ordonnancement de vos batchs sous z/OS avec Tivoli Workload Scheduler
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