Formation DB2 12 for z/OS : Performance and Tuning

Durée 3 jours
Niveau Avancé
Classe à distance

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Référence CV964G
Éligible CPF Non
Cours officiel IBM

This course is designed to teach the students how to prevent SQL performance problems and how to improve the performance of existing SQL.

Objectif opérationnel :

Savoir prévenir les problèmes de performance SQL et améliorer les performances actuelles.

Objectifs pédagogiques :

À l'issue de cette formation DB2 12 Performance et Tuning, vous aurez acquis les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour :

  • Understand and design better indexes
  • Determine how to work with the optimizer (avoid pitfalls, provide guidence)
  • Optimize multi-table access
  • Work with subqueries
  • Avoid locking problems
  • Use accounting traces and other tools to locate performance problems in existing SQL and more

Public :

Ce cours DB2 12 Performance et Tuning, de niveau avancé, s'adresse aux développeurs d'applications DB2 pour z/OS, aux administrateurs et à toute autre personne ayant une responsabilité dans la performance et l'optimisation d'un environnement DB2 pour z/OS.

Prérequis :

Avant de suivre cette formation DB2 12 Performance et Tuning, vous devez être familier avec la programmation d'application DB2 pour z/OS ainsi qu'avec le SQL.

Introduction to SQL performance and tuning

Performance issues
Simple example
Visualizing the problem

Performance analysis tools

Components of response time
Time estimates with VQUBE3
The accounting trace
The bubble chart
Performance thresholds

Index basics

Index structure
Estimating index I/Os
Clustering index
Index page splits

Access paths

Matching versus Screening
Hash access

More on indexes

Include index
Index on expression
Random index
Partitioned and partitioning, NPSI and DPSI
Page range screening
Features and limitations

Tuning methodology and index cost

Index cost: Disk space
Index cost: Maintenance
Utilities and indexes
Modifying and creating indexes
Avoiding sorts

Index design

Designing indexes

Advanced access paths

List prefetch
Multiple index access
Runtime adaptive index

Multiple table access

Join methods
Join types
Designing indexes for joins
Predicting table order


Correlated subqueries
Non-correlated subqueries
ORDER BY and FETCH FIRST with subqueries
Global query optimization
Virtual tables
Explain for subqueries

Set operations (optional)

More about the set operators
UNION ALL performance improvements

Table design (optional)

Number of tables
Clustering sequence
Materialized query tables (MQTs)
Temporal tables
Archive enabled tables

Working with the optimizer

Indexable versus non-indexable predicates
Boolean versus non-Boolean predicates
Stage 1 versus stage 2
Filter factors
Helping the optimizer

Locking issues

The ACID test
Reasons for serialization
Serialization mechanisms
Transaction locking
Lock promotion, escalation, and avoidance

More locking issues (optional)

Skip locked data
Currently committed data
Optimistic locking
Hot spots
Application design
Analyzing lock waits

Massive batch (optional)

Batch performance issues
Buffer pool operations
Improving performance
Benefit analysis
Massive deletes

Date de mise à jour du programme : 02/11/2022

Dates et lieux

Aucune session programmée actuellement.

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