- Référence : F288G
- Durée : 5 jours (35h)
- Lieu : Au choix. À distance ou en présentiel, à Paris ou en Régions
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Learn to administer an IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2.1 system. Starting with an overview of the system use-cases and architecture, you learn how to configure content storage repositories, metadata, and security. You learn how to migrate your IBM FileNet P8 applications between environments, how to optimize search performance, how to use the powerful sweep framework to automate administration tasks, and how to manage the system log files.
À l'issue de ce cette formation FileNet Content Manager Administration, les participants seront à même de :
Public :
Cette formation FileNet Content Manager Administration s'adresse aux administrateurs système.
Prérequis :
Pour suivre ce cours IBM FileNet Content Manager Administration, vous devez maîtriser la terminologie P8, notamment : Content Plateform Engine, IBM Content Navigator, object stores, objects, Content Services et Process Services.
Vous devez également savoir utiliser IBM Content Navigator pour le contenu, et savoir configurer des ordinateurs dans IBM Content Navigator.
La formation IBM Content Navigator constitue une excellente portée d'entrée à cette formation.
Introduction to IBM FileNet Content Manager
IBM FileNet Content Manager architecture
Administration Console for Content Platform Engine
Build a FileNet Content Repository
Work with storage areas
Create document and folder classes
Modify classes and properties
Create event subscriptions
Resolve access issues
Modify direct security
Configure object store security
Configure class and property security
Configure security inheritance
Use searches with bulk actions
Configure Content Search Services
Configure index partitions
Create content based indexes
Optimize CBR queries
Application migration overview
Plan and prepare for application migration
Export the application assets
Convert and analyze the FileNet P8 assets
Import the application assets
Automate deployment operations with FileNet Deployment Manager command line
Configure a sweep job
Work with sweep policies
Work with system logs
Work with audit logs
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